• 09/28/2017


    This report summarizes activities conducted between Month M25 and Month 48 related to the outreach and dissemination tasks. The outreach task reaches out to a broad variety of stakeholder communities involved in NeXOS. It extends beyond the initial stakeholder network through use of the NeXOS website, social networks, distribution lists, and one-to-one communications where practical. The dissemination task organizes participation in conferences, seminars and other meetings, and coordinates publications in technical journals, trade magazines and online magazines. 

  • 09/30/2014

    The topics of this report are final general system requirements; the risk management strategy and the description of the reference model for baseline infrastructure. These topics together are actually encompassing the requirement framework for the NeXOS project. In accordance to that the main focus of this report is to clarify the interrelationship between the different development activities and to harmonize the development goals. Talking about multidisciplinary sensor packages means in practical terms, that sensors can be easily combined allowing observing specific processes. The approach that was taken within NeXOS to start this integration process was to define requirements around user scenarios. This will not only address the technical aspects but also the economic aspects. Cost efficiency also includes aspects of service and maintenance that can be addressed with specific technical mean as for instance anti fouling measures. Describing the interlinkage of these different aspects is of importance to come up with a coherent solution which is a standard approach based on systems engineering methods.


  • 09/30/2014

    The main objective of the NeXOS project is to develop new cost-effective, innovative and compact integrated multifunctional sensor systems which can be deployed from mobile and fixed ocean observing platforms. The sensor systems can be divided into ocean optics, ocean passive acoustics and EAF sensor systems (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management). Within the NeXOS project, WP2 aims to:

    • Assess the economic viability of sensor system requirements and products;

    • Develop industrialisation strategies for the projects where applicable.

    These tasks are performed in close cooperation with WP1 of NeXOS and especially the work performed on identifying the social and economic requirements for sensor development.

    The underlying report addresses the current market of marine environmental sensors and the competitive position of European sensor manufacturers therein.

    Typically, marine sensors are used for one of the following particular aims:

    • Legal aim: monitoring of the marine environment because legislation requires an actor to do so

    • Industrial (commercial) aim: an economic operator uses sensors to monitor or steer its processes, as they are considered the most economically advantageous way to do so

    • R&D aims: the use of sensors for the sake of science, without a pre-defined application in mind.

  • 10/31/2014

    The main objective of NeXOS is to develop new cost-effective, innovative and compact integrated multifunctional sensor systems which can be deployed from mobile and fixed ocean observing platforms, not just for the sake of having better marine environmental monitoring means, but with an eye on the potential of the European industry to exploit these new or improved systems. As such, the NeXOS project should contribute to raising the competitive position of the European marine sensor industry. To this end, a committee is formed in which all SME companies that are partner in the NeXOS project participate.As per the Description of Work, the main responsibility of the ASCS is to ensure, at the outset of the project and during its life cycle, that the design and engineering process followed can be understood and incorporated into the practical implementations by SMEs, industry and the science research and observation community. The ASCS will study how to enhance the potential of NeXOS’s products to penetrate the marine sensor market and assess the economic advantages of the innovations developed within NeXOS. Furthermore the ASCS will advise on the management of the NeXOS Intellectual Property Rights to deal with legal provisions for knowledge and technology protection, transfer and exploitation, in accordance with EU regulations.


  • 11/08/2016

    This report investigates, identifies and quantifies the added value that the NeXOS innovations are expected to bring to the industry. Furthermore, an attempt is made to determine the uptake that these innovations are can have, in the respective markets that were identified in D2.1. 

  • 04/25/2014

    Proposed as a reference since the submission of NeXOS, the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) is generally implemented as a metrics for the improvement of technologies (e.g. sensor systems but also related platforms and software). A common definition, and a common methodology of determination of the TRL is discussed, proposed and exemplified here with the validation of four products: one sensor (Recopesca temperature turbidity), one software (Seadataview), one platform (ARVOR CM) and one component (SnO2 antifouling protection). This defines a method that will be then applied for each of the NeXOS sensor systems, in relation with functional analysis report, market study, reliability study, and as a tool for NeXOS Scientific and technical management (TOC) and evaluation. The template of TRL estimate will be made available in the internal NeXOS intranet web pages under WP3 working section. TRL analysis results will be provided in D.3.2 (Functional analysis report – M12).

  • 09/30/2014

    Within NeXOS project, methods have been prepared to design according to Technology Readiness and Reliability indicators. Such approach suffers usually from lack of input in oceanography. We review eight technologies associated to NeXOS because they are developped in the project, are mentionned in the use cases or at least will be used during the demonstration (WP9). This provides a basis for next WP3 activities which will lead to Reliability and Cost studies (D3.5, D3.6).


  • 03/31/2015

    The deliverable D4.1 on Smart Electronic Interface for Sensor Interoperability (SEISI) analog and digital front end describes the transducers interfaces of the SEISI, consisting of three submodules: an analogue interfaces, a point-to-point interface and a multi-drop interface, according to the NeXOS transducers requirements developed for the optical, passive acoustics and the EAF sensor systems. 

  • 11/08/2016

    The deliverable D4.2 on the SEISI Communication Front-End Design covers the implementation of the Smart Electronic Interface for Sensors Interoperability (SEISI) Communication Front End. The task involves the development and integration of a miniaturised smart sensor interface common to all new NeXOS sensor systems. This interoperable standard interface will be reconfigurable to respond to sensor specificities and monitoring strategies, and it will be possible to connect it to the majority of ocean observing platforms. The reconfiguration capacity will allow the interface to be tailored to fulfil the power, communication and maintenance needs of a range of sensors for a variety of disciplines. This deliverable justifies part of the work done in tasks 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. 

  • 06/16/2016

    The present document summarizes the work carried out for task 6.2 “Integrated passive acoustics transducer development”, led by SMID, and task 6.3 “Algorithms development” led by CTN.
    The purpose of task 6.2 is to develop the transducer stage required for an integrated multifunctional digital passive acoustic sensor system. This sensor system will be capable of measuring and processing underwater noise and bioacoustics activity. Two prototypes are developed, the first (A1), a small, low consumption, transducer stage for mobile platforms, and a second (A2), a transducer stage for fixed platforms with enhanced capability, including array-based source localization and acoustic propagation modelling. Three replicas of A1 and one A2, based on A1s but with Ethernet capability, will be manufactured and tested in a troncoconical tank in CTN facilities.
    Second, signal processing algorithms for mobile (A1) and fixed platforms (A2) developed by CTN are depicted. These algorithms address the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requirements in terms of underwater noise and bioacoustics monitoring, more specifically MSFD Descriptor 1 and 11. These will be explained in detail, including computational load measurements, capabilities and limitations, and good practice for the user.

  • 03/06/2017


    The first step of Task 7.2 was to design and build new prototypes of optical sensors for integration in OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) detection cells to measure two physicochemical parameters, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a. These prototypes are intended for deployment from fishing vessels during measurement campaigns and for interfacing with the RECOPESCA network architecture.

    This document is a public guide for the implementation and calibration of the new sensors in compliance with RECOPESCA. 

  • 09/28/2017

    This report, Deliverable 8.3, serves as the step between the integration and validation final reports and demonstrations in WP 9, summarizing the main experiences and conclusions and compiling recommendations for the demonstrations, where the Deliverable 8.4 constitutes the Demonstration Plan. The findings in this report are divided between technical aspects and practical/user aspects. The former, derive mainly from the integration work and the latter from the validations. A list of recommendations for the demonstrations is presented. This includes the demand for timely and frequent information on the status of the demonstration, supplied to the management team of the project and other close partners.

  • 09/28/2017

    This guide is written for the final demonstration of the NeXOS sensors in different platform of the Consortium.

    The definition of user scenarios takes existing observing systems and technologies into account and derives the next development steps in regard to technical and economic performance.

    The report gives a detailed overview of the different combinations of sensors and platforms, and the missions to be conducted in Work Package 9 (Demonstration).
    The missions will be carried out in the Central Atlantic (Task 9.3), the Mediterranean (task 9.1) and in the North Atlantic (task 9.2): the missions are related to the different user scenarios defined in WP1. 

  • 08/30/2017

    The document reports on the demonstration of NeXOS sensors O1 and A1 on fixed and mobile platforms in the Canary Islands; Demonstrations are delivering real-time and near-real time data to the Sensor Observation Services (SOS) and the NeXOS SWE client. End-to-end data flow is demonstrated from the different sensor-platform configurations, further validating interoperability schemes developed in the project. 

  • 08/30/2017

    This report describes the efforts in demonstrating the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) sensor system and passive acoustic sensors in the Mediterranean Sea. Demonstrations of the different missions are delivering real-time and near-real time data to the standard OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) based Services, from which data streams are displayed on a SWE data visualization client.

  • 12/23/2013

    Deliverable D10.1 is a product of work package 10, task 10.1. The plan addresses activities across a diverse set of stakeholder communities within academia, government and industry to define and demonstrate the project developments.The strategy considers the cultural differences between research scientists and industry application specialists, large industry and small and medium enterprises etc. The plan draws on other work packages to maximize use of the technical and business developments of the Project. Furthermore, deliverable 10.1 provides with samples of the Dissemination and Outreach work which includes a sample of NeXOS project Fact Sheet, Teleconference Best Practices and the general and concrete specifications for the development of NeXOS Webpage. While not part of NeXOS deliverables, it is anticipated that the strategy and its implementation will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

  • 09/28/2017


    Deliverable document D10.11, Summary of ASB recommendations highlights the contribution of the Advisory and Stakeholder Board (ASB) members to the NeXOS project. Starting with ASB members identified during the proposal phase, NeXOS progressively included selected ASB specialists to answer specific needs of the project. These selected ASB members participated in NeXOS General Assemblies (GA) as appropriate and provided feedback to the project coordinator and others by the end of the GA. The ASB task was co-lead by WP11 (Management) and WP10 (Dissemination and Outreach). 

  • 09/28/2017
  • 09/25/2017

    Deliverable D10.3 is the compilation of the proceedings from the three workshops and associated mini-workshops conducted during the NeXOS project. The first, early in the project, focused on requirements and user interfaces. It brought together representatives of stakeholder communities in order to understand their needs and validate the NeXOS requirements. WP 1 incorporated the recommendations of the workshop into the final requirements documentation for the sensors and systems.

    The second workshop engaged both the research and business communities (development and application themes) to review sensor and sensor system developments. This workshop was a combination of dissemination and opportunities for feedback, and was held at a point in the project when there was some maturity in developments and yet still time for adaptations. This was a technical workshop with presentations by key project partners, and opportunities for discussion with workshop participants. Posters were encouraged to allow one-to-one discussions of technical details. Small working group sessions were held around key program interest areas including sensors, systems integration, calibration and validation and software/end-user interface.  

    The last workshop was held toward the end of the project, and highlighted sensor systems developed by the project. It demonstrated the applications and outcomes of the project to the broad community of stakeholders. This workshop, held toward the end of the project, focused on stakeholders as system users and on industry for transition of the technology and capabilities. An objective of the workshop was to provide selected users with a direct experience of looking at data and systems outputs and interfaces. 

  • 03/30/2015

    The Deliverable 10.6 is the NeXOS Project Factsheet first update. This document includes the update of the Factsheet created to be formally presented to the European Commission. This deliverable covers the project principal administrative and financial references, main objectives and the main advancement in relevant developments and plans programmed between M4 and M18. Within the project workplan, Deliverable 10.7 on Month 36 and finally Deliverable 10.8 on Month 48 will represent additional updates of the Project Factsheet.

  • 09/16/2016

    The Deliverable 10.7 is the NeXOS Project Factsheet (2nd update). This document includes the factsheet created to be formally presented to the European Commission. The factsheet presented in this deliverable accurately describes the project status and progress at Month 36. This includes the project’s principal administrative references, main objective and relevant developments. Within the plan of the project, Deliverable 10.6 in Month 18, Deliverable 10.7 in Month 36 and finally Deliverable 10.8 in Month 48 constitute consecutive updates of the Project Factsheet, which include those results and advancements of the project that are open for public dissemination.

  • 09/28/2017


    The Deliverable 10.8 is the NeXOS Project final Factsheet. This document includes the factsheet created to be formally presented to the European Commission. The factsheet presented in this deliverable accurately describes the project status and progress at Month 48. This includes the project’s principal administrative references, main objective and relevant developments. Within the plan of the project, Deliverable 10.6 in Month 18, Deliverable 10.7 in Month 36 and finally Deliverable 10.8 in Month 48 constitute consecutive updates of the Project Factsheet, which include those results and advancements of the project that are open for public dissemination. 

  • 10/01/2015

    Deliverable 10.9 is the first of two NeXOS Bi-annual Report on Community Outreach Activities and Dissemination Tasks. This report summarizes activities conducted through Month M24 related to the outreach and dissemination tasks. The outreach task reaches out to a broad variety of stakeholder communities involved in NeXOS. It extends beyond the initial stakeholder network through use of the NeXOS website, social networks, distribution lists, and one-to-one communications where practical. The dissemination task organizes participation in conferences, seminars and other meetings, and coordinates publications in technical journals, trade magazines and online magazines.

  • 01/31/2014

    Deliverable 11.1 provides guidance and solid foundations for the project management enabling the consortium to clearly understand the Project Management System, methodology and tools to be implemented in NeXOS. The Project Management Guide (PMG) provides the description of how the main stakeholders and interests of the project are represented within its management structure. In addition, the PMG draws on best practice from “Projects In Controlled Environments Two (PRINCE2™)”, which provides guidance on Project Internal Communication, Monitoring and Control, Quality Review, and Risk and Issue Management. The report also describes briefly the formatting and presentation of scientific reports and other deliverables being produced by the Consortium. 

  • 03/31/2014

    Deliverable 11.3 provides a detailed description of the NeXOS Advisory and Stakeholders Board. This document constitutes a baseline, at the onset of the project, for the management, procedures and interaction with NeXOS ASB. Because this is a variable and flexible consulting organ within NeXOS it is important to highlight that this document represents its status at the moment of writing and presenting deliverable 11.3. Future improvements and adaptations may be expected, aligned with an increase in the number of ASB members and related levels of specialization as well as functions in the project. 

  • 09/30/2017

    This document is a joint policy brief prepared by the four projects selected from the OCEAN-2013.2 call: COMMON SENSE – Cost-effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean observing systems, to meet EU policies requirements; NeXOS – Next generation, cost effective, compact, multifunctional web enabled ocean sensor systems empowering marine, maritime and fisheries management; SCHeMA – Integrated in situ chemical mapping probes and SenseOCEAN – Marine sensors for the 21st Century. The document includes the new developments (i.e. main project results), a section on data management and standards, including recommendations, and a brief summary of the projects relations with European policy (MSFD) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).