D.10.3 - Compilation Report of NeXOS Workshop 1 through 3 proceedings

Deliverable D10.3 is the compilation of the proceedings from the three workshops and associated mini-workshops conducted during the NeXOS project. The first, early in the project, focused on requirements and user interfaces. It brought together representatives of stakeholder communities in order to understand their needs and validate the NeXOS requirements. WP 1 incorporated the recommendations of the workshop into the final requirements documentation for the sensors and systems.

The second workshop engaged both the research and business communities (development and application themes) to review sensor and sensor system developments. This workshop was a combination of dissemination and opportunities for feedback, and was held at a point in the project when there was some maturity in developments and yet still time for adaptations. This was a technical workshop with presentations by key project partners, and opportunities for discussion with workshop participants. Posters were encouraged to allow one-to-one discussions of technical details. Small working group sessions were held around key program interest areas including sensors, systems integration, calibration and validation and software/end-user interface.  

The last workshop was held toward the end of the project, and highlighted sensor systems developed by the project. It demonstrated the applications and outcomes of the project to the broad community of stakeholders. This workshop, held toward the end of the project, focused on stakeholders as system users and on industry for transition of the technology and capabilities. An objective of the workshop was to provide selected users with a direct experience of looking at data and systems outputs and interfaces.