From Sensors to Users: Applying the OGC Sensor Web-Enablement Framework to Marine Observing Systems
NeXOS European Project Webinar: Biofouling Protection for In Situ Oceanographic Sensors: The Bottleneck in Long-Term Monitoring!
NeXOS European Project Webinar: Biofouling Protection for In Situ Oceanographic Sensors: The Bottleneck in Long-Term Monitoring!
Let There Be Light: Optical tools for insights into marine ecosystems, webinar with Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski
Oceans are complex and many types of observations are needed to understand their environments. Marine processes are biological, geological, chemical and physical; they occur at micro- to kilometer scales, taking from less than seconds to centuries.So understanding and sustainably managing the marine environment is a multi-scale and multi-disciplinary effort.Obtaining widespread observations has been generally difficult and costly in time and resources, especially for biological and chemical properties. New advances in optical sensors and methodologies can improve observations, deploying such advanced techniques as matrix-fluorescence and centifluidic devices, new applications like ocean-color assessment from robotic platforms, and citizen participation.
This webinar will address emerging sensor technologies and multifunctional sensor systems supported by the NeXOS European Project and other initiatives, with emphasis on optical methodologies to support biogeochemical observations.If you've already registered on Readytalk, please click here. If you haven't signed up, you can register now.With ocean sustainability an ever-growing concern, NeXOS project created next-generation, web-enabled sensors that make monitoring and measuring the oceans more precise and effective. This video is an overview of the Project, which sought to develop cost-effective, innovative, compact, integrated, multifunctional sensor systems (ocean optics, ocean passive acoustics, and sensors for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries), which can be deployed from mobile and fixed ocean observing platforms, as well as to develop downstream services for the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Good Environmental Status (GES) of European marine waters (Marine Framework Strategy Directive) and the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).