In situ Ocean Observation image by Glynn Gorick, Eric Delory, Jay Pearlman, NeXOS Consortium, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In Situ Ocean Observation - NeXOS project
Optical sensor O1 - MatrixFlu flyer
Passive acoustic sensor - A1 flyer
Nexos factsheet 2nd Update
This factsheet accurately describes the project status and progress at Month 36. This includes the project’s principal administrative references, main objective and relevant developments. Within the plan of the project, Deliverable 10.6 in Month 18, Deliverable 10.7 in Month 36 and finally Deliverable 10.8 in Month 48 constitute consecutive updates of the Project Factsheet, which include those results and advancements of the project that are open for public dissemination.
NeXOS project flyer
Nexos Logo
NeXOS Factsheet
NeXOS Factsheet represents the baseline information of the project on Month 4. This includes project main administrative and financial references, main objectives, relevant developments and outlines programmed.