D.10.1 - NeXOS Outreach and Dissemination Plan

Deliverable D10.1 is a product of work package 10, task 10.1. The plan addresses activities across a diverse set of stakeholder communities within academia, government and industry to define and demonstrate the project developments.The strategy considers the cultural differences between research scientists and industry application specialists, large industry and small and medium enterprises etc. The plan draws on other work packages to maximize use of the technical and business developments of the Project. Furthermore, deliverable 10.1 provides with samples of the Dissemination and Outreach work which includes a sample of NeXOS project Fact Sheet, Teleconference Best Practices and the general and concrete specifications for the development of NeXOS Webpage. While not part of NeXOS deliverables, it is anticipated that the strategy and its implementation will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.