Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems for the Monitoring of a Changing Ocean

Presented at EUR-OCEANS hot topics conference - A changing ocean, 6TH-8TH November, 2013, PLOCAN, Gran Canaria, SPAIN

As stated by the marine research decision makers in Europe in the “Ostend Declaration” in 2010, a major challenge is to support the development of a truly integrated and sustainably funded European Ocean Observing System. This will be achieved with more long-term measurements of key parameters but is impaired by the costs and lack of reliability of ocean sensors in general. The NeXOS project aims to improve the temporal and spatial coverage, resolution and quality of marine observations through the development of cost-efficient innovative and interoperable in-situ sensors deployable from multiple platforms, and Web Services for key domains and applications. This will be achieved through the development of new, low-cost, compact and integrated sensors with multiple functionalities including the measurement of key parameters useful to a number of objectives, ranging from more precise monitoring and modelling of the marine environment to an improved assessment of fisheries. Seven compact and cost-efficient sensors will be developed, based on optical and acoustics technologies, addressing a majority of descriptors identified by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive for Good Environmental Status. One multifunctional sensor system will be specific to the problem of carbon cycle and ocean acidification related measurements, such as high precision optical measurement of pH and At, together with membrane based measurement of pCO2. The sensor will respond to multiplatform integration, sensor and data interoperability, strict quality assurance and reliability requirements.